Open Living Lab Days 2023 (supported by ESSI)

📅Mark your calendars for September 21-23, as ESSI invites you to the vibrant city of #Barcelona, Spain, for the 2023 edition of OpenLivingLab Days, the flagship event of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)!

Under the theme “Living Labs for an Era of Transitions: How Human-Centric Innovation is Changing Our Lives,” we’ll explore the powerful role living labs play in driving positive change in society. Our discussions will revolve around the pivotal role of human-centric innovation and how living labs can effectively contribute to this goal.

📍Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to be part of OLLD23 and engage in thought-provoking discussions, networking opportunities, and collaboration with leading experts and innovators.

This year’s event will be co-organized by ENoLL and three esteemed local living labs: Computer Vision Center, i2CAT Foundation, and Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus, and with the European School of Social Innovation.

👉Register now: